Our scientists discover and develop drugs to enhance healthy brain function and to treat Central Nervous System (CNS) disorders, which are among the most serious medical challenges facing humanity today.

Genetic and cell biology advances underlying CNS disorders have identified pathways that contribute to disease onset and progression. We are applying deep scientific and drug development processes, that include the repurposing of existing, abandoned, and developmental compounds for new indications, to harvest the full potential of safe and effective therapeutics.

Groundbreaking scientific insights in neuroscience, genetics, systems biology, and brain circuitry, together with powerful new tools, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), drive our discovery efforts.

These insights and tools offer our team of "drug-hunting scientists," with over 100+ years of CNS drug experience, an unprecedented opportunity to advance innovative medicines that have the potential to catalyze high-value partnerships with leading pharmaceutical companies.

The time is now. The time is right.
